Disease processes associated with increased thyroid
secretion result in a predictable hypermetabolic state. Increased thyroid
secretion can be caused by primary alterations within the gland (Graves'
disease, toxic nodular goiter, toxic thyroid adenoma) or central nervous system
disorders and increased TSH-produced stimulation of the thyroid. Most
hyperthyroid states occur because of primary malfunction. Even more unusual
hyperthyroid states can result from mismanaged exogenous thyroid ingestion,
molar pregnancy with increased release of human chorionic gonadotropin, and
unusually, thyroid malignancy with overproduction of thyroid hormone.
Graves' Disease
Grave's disease is the most common cause of
hyperthyroidism (diffuse toxic goiter). This disease entity was originally
described by an Irish physician, Dr. Robert Graves, in 1835. Women between the
ages of 20 and 40 years are most commonly affected. The hyperthyroidism in
Grave's disease is caused by stimulatory autoantibodies to TSH-R. Although
several theories about the stimulus that initiates production of these
antibodies have been proposed, there is no universal agreement about the
etiology of the process. Genetic susceptibility to this disease is possible as
evidenced by the increased probability of Grave's disease in monozygotic twins.
On microscopic examination, the follicles are small with
hyperplastic columnar epithelium. Hyperplasia of these cells is exhibited by
rapidly dividing nuclei and papillary projections of the follicular epithelium
within the central follicles. Increased deposition of lymphoid tissue is also
demonstrable in many patients with Graves' disease.
Clinical Features
A patient with classic Graves' disease usually has a
visibly enlarged neck mass consistent with a goiter that may demonstrate an audible bruit
secondary to increased vascular flow. Clinical thyrotoxicosis and exophthalmos
complete the classic triad of the disease. Hair loss, myxedema, gynecomastia,
and splenomegaly can accompany the clinical findings. Tracheal compression can
result in symptoms of airway obstruction, although acute compression with
respiratory distress is exceedingly rare.
The ocular consequences of prolonged and untreated
thyrotoxicosis, such as proptosis, supraorbital and infraorbital swelling, and
conjunctival swelling and edema, can be severe. The ophthalmopathy is thought
to be due to stimulation of the overexpressed TSH-R in the retro-orbital
tissues of Grave's patients. In its most severe form, spasm of the upper eyelid
resulting in retraction and visualization of a larger amount of sclera than
normal can lead to lid lag and exacerbation of the already swollen conjunctiva.
All these pressure-related phenomena can progress to decreased oculomuscular
movements, ophthalmoplegia, and diplopia. Optic nerve damage and blindness can
be a long-term consequence if the underlying condition is not corrected.
However, this is rarely seen currently with improved screening assays that
detect Grave's disease at early stages. Sustained hyperthyroidism is treated
aggressively to remove the stimulus to the retro-orbital tissues.
The hypermetabolic state of hyperthyroidism is clinically
manifested as sweating, weight loss, heat intolerance, and thirst.
Cardiovascular stress can be demonstrated by high-output cardiac failure,
congestive heart failure with peripheral edema, and arrhythmias such as
ventricular tachycardia or atrial fibrillation. Gastrointestinal signs may
include diarrhea and electrolyte wasting. The menstrual cycle can be altered to
the point of amenorrhea. Psychiatric signs may include altered sleep patterns,
emotional mood swings, fatigue, excitability, and agitation.
An enlarged smooth thyroid mass and signs and symptoms of
thyrotoxicosis suggest the diagnosis. A cost-effective workup can include an
extensive history, physical examination, and thyroid function tests. In
addition to elevated levels of T3 and T4, a decreased or
undetectable level of TSH is demonstrated. Thyroid antibodies are usually detected
in elevated quantities. An 123I
radionuclide scan demonstrates diffuse uptake throughout an enlarged gland.
Ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) of the neck can be used to evaluate clinical
landmarks . However, the absolute requirement of CT and ultrasound for
preoperative assessment is not universally agreed on.
When a diagnosis of Graves' disease has been made,
therapy is initiated rapidly to ameliorate symptoms and decrease thyroid
hormone synthesis. This is particularly crucial for patients with
vision-threatening exophthalmos. The former is accomplished with β-blocker
therapy, which is started immediately, and the latter with thionamide,
radioactive iodine ablation, or surgery, each of which is equally effective in
normalizing serum thyroid hormone levels within 6 weeks. Clearly, patients with
Grave's disease need to be educated regarding appropriate choices, the risks
associated with each treatment, and the expectation of complete success.
Radionuclide Therapy
Radioiodide ablation with 131I
is the therapy of choice in the United States. It ablates the thyroid within 6
to 18 weeks. Patients with mild, well-tolerated hyperthyroidism can safely
proceed to radioactive iodine ablation immediately. However, those who are
elderly or severely thyrotoxic may require pretreatment with a thionamide. The
overall cure rate with radioactive iodine is 90%. Hypothyroidism will develop
in cured individuals, hence the need for careful measurement of thyroid hormone
and TSH levels at regular intervals after therapy. Most patients are candidates
for radioactive iodine; exceptions include women who are pregnant or lactating
or those with a suspicious nodule.
Advantages of 131I
therapy include avoidance of surgery and the associated risks of recurrent
laryngeal nerve damage, hypothyroidism, or postsurgical recurrence. It may be
that 131I therapy is more
cost-effective in the long run; however, the financial advantage is not as
clear if repeated 131I therapy is
needed. Additional disadvantages include exacerbation of cardiac arrhythmias,
particularly in elderly patients, possible fetal damage in pregnant women,
worsening ophthalmic problems, and rare, but possibly life-threatening thyroid
Antithyroid Medication
PTU and methimazole inhibit the organification of
intrathyroid iodine, as well as the coupling of iodotyrosine molecules to form
T3 and T4. PTU has the additive effect of blocking peripheral
conversion of T4 to T3. This is important because
peripheral access to T3 and T4 has multiple hyperdynamic
and hypermetabolic effects. Additionally, the peripheral adrenergic effects of
thyrotoxicosis can be modulated by the use of β-blocking agents such as
propranolol. Corticosteroids in combination with β-blockers can help gain rapid
control of the hypermetabolic effects of increased peripheral T4 and
T3. Patients may choose a trial of antithyroid medication over
radioactive iodine therapy. The goal of this therapy is to attain euthyroidism;
however, hypothyroidism may result and necessitate thyroid hormone replacement.
Antithyroid medication is effective in gaining rapid control of thyrotoxicosis,
but the relapse rate after discontinuation of medication may approach 50% 12 to
18 months after cessation. Additionally, patients need to be monitored for side
effects of the drugs, which may include granulocytopenia and, in rare
instances, aplastic anemia. Other side effects include fever, polyarteritis, and
Thyroid Resection
Surgery is advocated by a minority of thyroid specialists
in the United States. It is primarily indicated for patients who have an
obstructive goiter, have a fear of radioactivity, are noncompliant, or have had
an adverse effect with thionamide drugs. Additional candidates are pregnant
patients or those with a suspicious nodule. Advantages of surgical ablation of
the thyroid include rapid, effective treatment of thyrotoxicosis without the
necessity for medications and their accompanying side effects. The amount of
residual tissue is a subject of debate. Complete ablation of thyroid tissue
requires total thyroidectomy, which is associated with the highest rates of
hypoparathyroidism and recurrent laryngeal nerve damage. Some groups have
reported that total thyroidectomy is the most effective way to treat patients
with severe Graves' disease because it offers the lowest rate of relapse. It
may be that patients, particularly those with ophthalmopathy, are stabilized
most successfully by total thyroidectomy. Removal of the entire antigenic focus
may be the most likely explanation for this observation. Other subtotal
resections include near-total thyroidectomy or subtotal thyroidectomy.
Careful documentation of euthyroid status before surgery
in all hyperthyroid patients is mandatory. If the patient is not properly
treated preoperatively, thyroid storm can be life threatening. Fortunately,
this complication is rarely encountered if appropriately anticipated. Thyroid
storm is manifested by severe tachycardia, fever, confusion, vomiting to the
point of dehydration, and adrenergic overstimulation to the point of mania and
coma after thyroid resection in an uncontrolled hyperthyroid patient. The best
way to treat thyroid storm is preoperative anticipation and preparation.
Additionally, all patients undergoing general anesthesia are checked for
undiagnosed hyperthyroidism, if clinically suspected. Treatment of a patient
with overt thyroid storm includes rapid fluid replacement and institution of
antithyroid drugs, β-blockers, iodine solutions, and steroids. In
life-threatening circumstances, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis may be
effective in lowering T4 and T3 levels.
Toxic Nodular Goiter/Toxic
Toxic nodular goiter, also known as Plummer's disease,
refers to a nodule contained within an otherwise goitrous thyroid gland that
has autonomous function. It usually occurs in the setting of a patient with
endemic goiter. Increased thyroid hormone production occurs independent of TSH
control. Such patients generally have a milder course and are older than those
with Graves' disease. The thyroid in these patients may be diffusely enlarged
or associated with retrosternal goiters. Initial symptoms are mild, peripheral
thyroid hormone levels are elevated, and TSH levels are suppressed. Antithyroid
antibody levels are usually decreased. The diagnosis is generally confirmed
after clinical suspicion, and an 131I
radionuclide scan is performed that localizes one or two autonomous areas of
function while the rest of the gland is suppressed ( Fig. 36-6 ). Toxic nodular
goiter can be treated with thionamides, radioiodine therapy, or surgery;
however, the latter two are preferred because these nodules rarely resolve with
prolonged thionamide therapy. Radioiodine is widely used for patients with
toxic adenomas, although it is not as effective as in Grave's disease. Most
patients are euthyroid after radioiodine therapy because the radioiodine preferentially accumulates
in hyperfunctioning nodules. The surgical approach is lobectomy or near-total
thyroidectomy, particularly when clinical symptoms are pronounced. In the case
of a single, hyperfunctioning adenoma, lobectomy is generally curative.
Nontoxic Goiter
Multinodular Goiter
Multinodular goiter describes an enlarged, diffusely
heterogeneous thyroid gland. Initial findings may include diffuse enlargement,
but asymmetric nodularity of the mass often develops. The cause of this mass is
usually iodine deficiency. Initially the mass is euthyroid, but with increasing
size, elevations in T3 and T4 can occur and gradually
progress to clinical hyperthyroidism. Workup and diagnosis involve evaluation
of thyroid function tests. Ultrasound and radioisotopic scanning demonstrate
heterogeneous thyroid substance. Nodules with poor uptake can appear as lesions
suggestive of malignancy. The incidence of carcinoma in multinodular goiter has
been reported to be 5% to 10%. Therefore, FNA for diagnosis and resection for
suspicious lesions is considered.
Substernal Goiter
A substernal goiter is an unusual manifestation of
intrathoracic extension of an enlarged thyroid that generally occurs as a
result of multinodular goiter. Most intrathoracic or substernal goiters are
labeled secondary because they are enlargements or extensions of
multinodular goiters based on the inferior thyroid vasculature. They expand
downward into the anterior mediastinum. The extremely rare (∼1%) primary substernal goiter arises as
aberrant thyroid tissue within the anterior or posterior mediastinum and is
based on the intrathoracic vasculature and not supplied by the inferior thyroid
Special Considerations for Patients With Goiter
Patients with an enlarged thyroid mass (>5 cm) can
have a spectrum of symptoms ranging from none to severe dysphagia, choking, and
pain. Occasionally, the diagnosis is suggested by the presence of an anterior
mediastinal mass on chest radiography. In 10% to 20% of cases, an asymptomatic
patient may have no palpable abnormality in the cervical area and a completely
intrathoracic lesion.
CT is the preferred imaging study, and all regions from
the mandible to the upper part of the abdomen are included in the scan. The
lesion itself is scrutinized. Benign goiters have rounded, smooth borders.
Thyroid malignancies generally have more ill-defined borders. CT also allows
evaluation of regional lymph nodes and metastasis. If the patient has a history
of cervical pain and night sweats, a diagnosis of lymphoma is considered. The
use of FNA with CT guidance is important to secure a tissue diagnosis. Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) does not usually add significant information to a
well-performed CT scan. For patients with an intrathoracic lesion and a history
of coughing, preoperative bronchoscopy can give important information about
vocal cord status and possible luminal invasion by a malignancy.
Almost all
goiters and other thyroid masses are initially approached surgically through a
cervical incision. Goiters are usually mobilized easily, even when they are
substernal. The blood supply is generally based on the inferior thyroid artery,
which is in its normal position and allows even large substernal masses to be
gently mobilized into the neck. Careful attention must be directed to the
location of the esophagus, trachea, and recurrent laryngeal nerve. The
esophagus can be injured by overaggressive manipulation of the thyroid mass.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve is usually displaced posteriorly and inferiorly;
however, it can be draped anteriorly over the mass and damaged in that
position. Great care must be exercised in mobilization of the mass until the
nerve is identified. The cervical incision is extended to a median sternotomy
if there is significant bleeding from the anterior mediastinum, if the anatomy
and location of the recurrent laryngeal nerve are in doubt, or if the mass
cannot be mobilized through the surgical field.
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